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Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

The Best Preventive Oral Care in Harrisburg, NC
The Best Preventive Oral Care in Harrisburg, NC
July 16, 2018
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Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign is a custom-made aligner tray that is made from medical grade thermoplastic materials. The aim of Invisalign is to provide straighter teeth alignment to enhance the beauty of your teeth.

Traditional braces, on the other hand, are dental devices that are made from premium grade metal or ceramic materials. Just like Invisalign, the goal of braces is to straighten teeth and improve the bite for an individual.

Both can help patients achieve a straighter teeth alignment. They are both optimum solutions to teeth overcrowding. Invisalign and braces can also minimize the gaps between teeth.

But why should you opt for Invisalign instead of braces?

Here are 5 good reasons why you should choose Invisalign over traditional braces:

#1 Aesthetic

Invisalign are clear plastic trays that tend to go unnoticed. Compared with metal or ceramic braces that can be seen outright when you smile, talk or open your mouth, Invisalign is clear and unnoticeable.

If you are not a fond of metals and wires, Invisalign is the perfect answer to your orthodontic needs.

A lot of patients appreciate the thin and subtle feel of Invisalign. With these clear aligners, it would seem like you are not wearing anything on your teeth. You can still flash that beautiful smile with confidence even with your Invisalign on.

#2 Convenience

Invisalign are thin plastic devices that are more convenient to wear. Braces, on the other hand, have brackets and wires that can become uncomfortable during the first few weeks after installation.

Braces can be uncomfortable because it may scrape the soft cheek lining inside your mouth. Invisalign are more comfortable to wear because it has no sharp metal edges or wires that may cause injury to your mouth.

Another convenience you can get from Invisalign is that it can be removed. Compared to clean aligners, braces have to stay on your teeth until an orthodontist removes them. With Invisalign, you can remove them when you eat or brush your teeth. They are easy to clean as well.

Braces also make tooth brushing and flossing harder than usual. With Invisalign, you can remove them when it is time to clean them, and you can brush as normal.

#3 Faster Results

Complete treatment for braces can take up to 5 years, while it only takes a year or 2 for Invisalign to straighten your teeth.

Invisalign works faster as compared to braces. You do not have to bear wearing the metal brackets and wires for a long period of time when you choose Invisalign.

#4 Eat Anything

There are a lot of things that you cannot eat with traditional braces. No popcorn, no apple, no peanuts, and definitely no candy. You should refrain from eating food that can get stuck in between your teeth and braces.

You also have to avoid eating types of food that can cause damage to your braces. When your braces are damaged, it may cause injury to your mouth structure.

With Invisalign, you can eat just about anything you crave for. All you have to do is remove your aligners and eat all the food you like. You just have to make sure to brush your teeth before wearing your aligners again.

#5 Setting Expectations

Invisalign is one of the most advanced innovations in the dental industry. With Invisalign, your orthodontist will provide a treatment plan that is fully computerized. Thus, you can have an idea of what is going to happen to your teeth as you wear your Invisalign.

Braces involve a manual planning without a clear idea of what is going to happen. Results can only be seen during visits when the braces need adjustments.

These are just five of the many advantages you can get when you choose to have an Invisalign treatment. Invisalign may cost a bit more, but in the end, it is worth it.

Family Dentistry of Harrisburg provides exceptional Invisalign treatment to ensure a straighter teeth alignment. We can also provide the best solution to your overcrowded teeth and help minimize the gaps between your teeth.

Our Harrisburg Invisalign preferred providers ensure a fast, safe, comfortable, and effective orthodontic treatment. With Invisalign, you can always smile with confidence.

Family Dentistry of Harrisburg is committed to helping you achieve your orthodontic goals in the most comprehensive way. Contact us at 704-456-7214 to learn more about Invisalign. You may also schedule your appointment through our 24/7 online booking system.

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